Saturday, June 5, 2010

I Despise Shame-Roots for Being Unashamed

When shame began to threaten the heart of Christ and tempted Him to abandon a clear and obedient call to God and to the gospel, Christ looked shame in the face and said, "Shame, I despise you! I will not give in to your taunting tactics and conniving ways! I will not find temporary satisfaction in you, nor burden my soul more by satisfying your evil desires. I despise you shame, and will not let you ruin me!"
Shame was stripping away every earthly support Christ had: His friends gave way in shaming abandonment, His reputation was lost in shaming slander, His decency gave way to shaming nakedness, His comfort gave way to shaming torture. Though Christ was being shamed, rooted deep within His soul was the power of Unashamedness.
"I am UNASHAMED of the gospel..." But why? Because. In spite of all those who mock me, despite all those who atempt to bring me down, despite all my past failures and the mocking voices that will not let them go, despite all the guilt of falling short daily, despite all these things-this message of Christ' crucified for the sake of sinners like me, of Christ raised from the dead as the Son of God in power, of grace given to those who will trust in His Name-this message will bring everlasting salvation to all who bank on it. And such will grow deep the roots of unashamedness.